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Traffic violations in Azerbaijan

The Ministry of Transport and Traffic Police of Azerbaijan (DYP) has published a report on law violations issued for the (3 quarters) period January-September 2020. The number of violations exceeded the mark of more than 2 million 846.5 thousand for a total of 93.2 million manats!

Traffic violations in Azerbaijan

The crime statistics looks like this:
1. Exceeding the speed limit – 34.4%
2. Violation of the rules of stopping or parking – 20.7%
3. Failure to comply with the rules of road signs or markings – 8.7%
4. Continuation of movement with a prohibiting signal of a traffic light or a traffic controller – 8.3%
5. Driving without a seat belt – 7.3%
6. Violation of the sanitary-hygienic and quarantine regime – 4.1%
7. Violation of the compulsory insurance contract – 3.2%
8. Other types of violations – 13.3%

Employees of the Karavan Rent A Car in Baku company have previously offered our readers a publication on the main points and fines for violation of traffic rules in Azerbaijan. If you have not read this article yet, then we suggest you do it right now! (Read article)

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